The whole content of the website is normally only available for registered members of our community. Group of referees from different nations work on the registered-only section and receive tasks week by week. Apart from these reserved tasks activities they must complete, all other functions are available on the website for free.
There is no need to become a registered member unless you genuinely intend to complete all the associated tasks, and not only for few weeks but for at least one season or a year.
For example, every month you can expect to undertake: 1 ruletest, 1 mechanics test, 1 videotest, and a videovote. Each of these task will not take more than 30mins a week.
In the videovoting section we give the referees ”play situations” to vote on (4-6 per week) and the options which they must select as the best decision.
When completing the tasks you can follow your results and compare your decision making abilities with all other registrated refs.
This is a continuous online working and learning process. Therefore you must decide first if you want participate in this work otherwise there is no real reason to become registered member. However, if you want to work hard to become a good referee and you have resolved to undertake the tasks sign up here.
I want to work on the website for at least one season, therefore I would like to become registered member: